Application Information

Important Dates

August 28, 2023 CUWiP applications open
October 23, 2023 17:00 ET CUWiP applications close
November 15, 2023 Application decisions sent out
November 15, 2023 CUWiP @ Arizona registration opens
December 11, 2023 17:00 ET Fee waiver deadline for accepted students
December 13, 2023 17:00 ET CUWiP registration closes
December 31, 2023 17:00 ET CUWiP @ Arizona local site registration deadline
January 2, 2024 Last day to cancel registration with refund
January 19-21, 2024 CUWiP @ Arizona

Fees, Costs, & Waivers

Undergraduate Participants

Students who applied through APS website and are accepted to attend the conference must pay a one-time registration fee of $45, which helps offset some of the cost of the conference, including all lodging and meals. Lodging and food will be covered by the conference; you do not need to pay for your hotel room or food at the conference. We expect that your travel expenses will be covered by your home department or college. However, if they are not able to cover these expenses, travel funding is available. Please direct travel funding requests to before December 13.

For undergraduate students who applied through the APS website and receive acceptance, if you cannot afford the registration fee and your department/college is unable to help, you may request a fee waiver by emailing for the appropriate form. The request takes approximately 48 hours to review. You must request a fee waiver before registering. The deadline to request a fee waiver is on Monday, December 11, 2023 at 17:00 ET for accepted students. Please do not wait until the last minute to request the waiver and/or to register. For more information on fee waivers, contact

Other Participants

Other participants need to pay a registration fee of $45. You will receive an email from the organizers with instructions on payment. All meals and local transportation between airport and conference site will be covered by CUWiP. We will try to accommodate lodging for other participants as our funding provides. Please click here for lodging information.

Registration Information

Note that registration is separate from the initial application. For undergraduate students, both must be completed in order to attend the conference. For other participants, only registration is needed.

For undegraduate student participants: If your CUWiP application through the APS website is accepted for UArizona, the email you receive from APS will contain instructions on how to register at the APS website. You must register at the APS registration website by 5pm ET, December 13, 2023. It is at this time that you will pay the registration fee on the APS website. If you miss the registration deadline, please contact us at

After you register on the APS please also fill out the following form by December 31st 2023 17:00 ET, that will allow our local site handle logistics.

For other participants (postdocs, graduate students, speakers, panelists, undergraduate student volunteers): Please fill out the registration form here by December 31st 2023 17:00 ET.